If you are reading this then there is a good chance you are a Techie founder, leader or manager within an IT Managed Service provider or Tech business.
The reason you started and run the IT business is because of your IT background and interest in all things Tech.
Your technical skills, experience and network have got you this far, but your ready to take your business to the next level.
Are you stuck taking your business to the next level?
As mentioned, a large percentage of IT businesses have a strong technical foundation and background. This is great as it has allowed you to build a great IT service and offering with great client delivery and experience. However, this is also one of the reasons you are not getting to the next level.
How most Technical Founders start their Business?
Often, having an IT and Technical background means you will have focused on the technical aspects of the business. They often have a ‘build it and they will come’ mentality concentrating first on areas like:
– Technology & Tools
– Systems & Procedures
– Resources & Partners
These areas are important, but there are other areas that need to be addressed within the business that need SPECIAL attention.
How should you start your IT Business, or where should you focus if you are looking to scale your business?
This doesn’t just apply to IT business’s, this applies to ALL business’s – You need to build a ‘Machine’ at the core of your business.
What do I mean by ‘Machine’?
The ‘Machine’ will provide the business and team with the energy, drive, direction and focus needed to start, scale & improve your business.
Areas often neglected within an IT business, but that should be at the core of your business that make up the ‘Machine’ are:
– WHY – Why do you get up in the morning, and why does your business exist? If you need to discover your ‘Why’ checkout: https://startwithwhy.com/
– MISSION – What is the mission of your team and business? What is your short term and long-term goals?
– NICHE or USP – What makes you different? Not your tech, tools or team but what REALLY makes you stand out?
– VALUE – Always ask yourself ‘Will this add value to the lives of my clients?’
– CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE – Ensure all your technical services are backed by a world class customer experience.
– LEAD GENERATION – Often forgot, but where are your next leads coming from? Whether it be online marketing, a partnership program or a lead generation company do you have a predictable lead generation plan in place?

What are the benefits of building a ‘Machine’ at the core of your business?
Having a ‘Machine’ at the core of your business has many benefits, some of these include:
– An aligned Team, mission and direction
– Increased motivation and energy levels
– Happier Clients
– Increased Referrals
– Predictable lead source
Want to learn more?
Checkout our other articles that support MSP owners with growth, M&A, exits and funding or GET IN TOUCH here.